Mordhau Admin Commands

Admin Commands / Console Commands

- Important -
You must be logged in as an Administrator in order to make use of this commands, otherwise you won't be able to use them.

Admin Commands

adminlogin adminlogin <password> Gives you Administrator Access to control the server.
adminlist N/A Prints out a list of current administrators online.
adminadd adminadd <STEAMID64> Adds a new administrator to the Admins List.
removeadmin removeadmin <STEAMID64> Removes the specified ID from the Admins List.
changelevel changelevel <map name> Changes the current map to the one specified.
restartlevel N/A Restarts the current game.
addbots addbots <integer> Adds X amount of bots to the current game.
kick removebots <integer> Removes X amount of bots from the current game.
ban ban <Player Name / STEAMID64> Bans the specified SteamID or Player name
unban unban <Player Name / STEAMID64> Removes the ban given to the specified SteamID or Player name.
banlist N/A Reloads the Banlist.
slowmo slowmo <integer> (Example: .5) Slows down the time X amount.

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