Changing the Map Cycle on Sandstorm

Streamline has a few Pre-Defined Mapcycles found in \Insurgency\Config\Server\ which can be used if wanted.

To change to one of these mapcycles follow these steps.

Step 1) Browse to \Insurgency\Config\Server\ and find the .txt file you wish to use as the mapcycle.
Alternatively, you can create your own Mapcycle by editing one of our default ones and following the format within.

Step 2) Open the Commandline Manager, create a new Custom Commandline.

Step 3) Enter your server information in any area where applicable, and press the tick to the left. This is for things such as the server name, and starting map.

Step 4) Tick Mapcycle, and to the right enter the .txt filename you wish to use as your mapcycle from step 1.

Step 5 ) Save this Custom Commandline, and once back in the Commandline Manager page click the Select button to the right of this commandline.

Your service should now launch using your new map cycle.

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