Kerbal Space Program DMP Admin Commands

Server console commands

admin - Sets a player as admin/removes admin from the player
ban - Bans a player from the server
banip - Bans an IP Address from the server
bankey - Bans a Guid from the server
connectionstats - Displays network traffic usage
countclients - Counts connected clients
dekessler - Clears out debris from the server
exit - Shuts down the server
help - Displays this help
kick - Kicks a player from the server
listclients - Lists connected clients
nukeksc - Clears ALL vessels from KSC and the Runway
pm - Sends a message to a player
quit - Shuts down the server
restart - Restarts the server
say - Broadcasts a message to clients
shutdown - Shuts down the server
whitelist - Change the server whitelist

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