How to configure Caves onto your service

Please note: This requires two servers to link up with one another.

Video Guide:

Don’t Starve caves requires 2 servers, 1 server to be the Master/Overworld and a second server to be the Slave/Cave server.

1) Decided which server you are going to use for caves and which one you are going to use as your main server

2) Go to your caves server, open up the Commandline Manager.

3) Create a New commandline, enter a description, tick the box to the left of Shard and select Caves from the drop down. Click Save.

4) Press select to the right hand side of the new Commandline, this will make your server launch from this Commandline.

5) Open your Overworld server, then open Configuration Files and open the Cluster.ini in the text editor.

6) Under the [Shard] heading, change shard_enabled to true, and put a unique cluster_key in. This is a password that allows the servers to join each other.

7) Go to your Caves server, and go to Configuration Files and open the Cluster.ini

8) Under the [Shard] heading, change shard_enabled to true, and then replace the master_ip, master_port and cluster_key with the same information that is in your Master servers Cluster.ini

Starting both servers and checking the web consoles will let you see if the servers have connected correctly.


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